|the Less series|

[gif series - 3D, 2016]

Graceless - The 'Less' Series, 3D, 105 frames, 2016
Graceless - The 'Less' Series, 3D, 105 frames, 2016

Loveless - The 'Less' Series, 3D, 112 frames, 2016
Loveless - The 'Less' Series, 3D, 112 frames, 2016

Merciless - The 'Less' Series, 3D, 51 frames, 2016
Merciless - The 'Less' Series, 3D, 51 frames, 2016

The 'Less' Series applies three of the most famous female art poses on motionless atypical 3D characters. My reenactment inverts in the titles the original purpose - of glorifying the feminine portrayed - with the reality experienced by women during the times the artworks were made (always seen as inferior, as something Less).
To accentuate the perceptual gap, I chose for the series only depictions of fictional feminine characters. While the Three Graces become Graceless and Botticelli's Venus becomes Loveless, Caravaggio's Judith is the only one maintaining her already gloomy side.

Constantly on

Made 4
► the now dead-without a notice platform newhive, 2016; **[this link may or may not work]